Update . . . FLOOD OF 2008
January 10, 2008
THURSDAY - The Yellow River continued to rise, at least another two feet and washed over several roads in Plymouth. This major artery, East Jefferson Street, serves Plymouth east of the Yellow River.
The Boys and Girls Club has been closed since Tuesday, and the river bends to the left behind. Much of the neighborhood behind this is flooded.
From where we live, we're at least 25-30 feet higher than this part of town, as Michigan street, which runs north-south through town, just beyond that orange sign in the distance, is high ground above the river.
If you click on "The South Bend Tribune" link, you can see the news stories about the flood. If you go to Friday's edition, you can see Biz's students bagging sand. As the sun went down tonight, it started raining, again, and is supposed to turn to snow.
We're once again on a two-hour delay, and if they call school, it will most likely be tomorrow (Friday), as most of the access points in town that buses have to get through are becoming waterlogged. The river is supposed to crest Friday afternoon, depending on weather.