Biz's Aunt Nancy (whom we adoringly call Grandma Nancy) paid a surprise visit at Thanksgiving. She flew into Chicago and was picked up by Claudia and Russell, who then brought her to the lake. Because it was a long weekend for us, being off from school, we hung out at our lake cottage for the weekend, and spent Thanksgiving meal with them.
Becca so enjoyed visiting with her "other" Grandmother that she spent nearly every day with Nancy at Claudia's house.
NOTE: Claudia and Russell's lake house is about eight houses down from ours, so it's not such a terribly long walk, or short bike ride, whichever mode of transport you prefer. Dad, of course, prefers driving the car, because it's too far to walk in the cold!
One of the activities that Becca, Bizzy, Claudia and Nancy conducted was Black Friday shopping at Richard's of Toto and Bailey's Discount Store. Upon their return, Becca and Grandma Nancy set about making dough ornaments. Using dough that resembles cookie dough, but dries like clay, the two used cookie cutters to cut shapes from the dough. Once dried, they then decorated the "cookies" by using glitter and paint.
One of the types of "cookie" ornaments they made was the cinnamon/apple sauce dough cookie ornaments. Once dry, you can hang them from
your rear view mirror in your car and they will smell your car up like crazy! This one was Bizzy's favorite.
Becca, of course, likes making crafts, and those best able to satisfy this need in her are her mother, her grandmother, and Aunt Nancy.
Now that we've told you about the ornaments, don't be surprised to find them in your stocking at Christmas!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! We hope your weekend was wonderful!
Painting ornaments and having a blast!
Craft day at Claudia's!