Monday, October 31, 2011


Becca shows off her 'witch' costume. Just before going trick-or-treating Becca and Bizzy walked the back part of the lot at Yellow House and took some pictures. She also brought along her friend, the jack-o-lantern.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Becca rides the pedal-powered go carts at the Pumkinfest.  This was really hard as the track consisted mostly of mud. After trying two or three of the different carts, she finally found one that would allow her to pedal through the mud. After riding the go carts, she took a ride on the cow train, a series of drums cut to allow riders and painted a cow theme.



Becca enjoyed the fun part of Pumkinfest, that is, play-acting the role of what life would be like on the farm. Life-like models of cows with udders attached to bottles of water allowed kids the opportunity to "milk".

Not only that, she "rode" a farm horse, and lassoed her dad with a rope. Anything that imitates riding a horse, Becca truly loves. If she had her way, she'd have a horse on the property at Yellow House. Our little acre, however, is too small to keep a horse.


Corn is the grain of life. We eat corn with nearly every meal. Corn is the backbone of the midwest. 

Becca and I nearly sat on a cob while on the hay ride. Mommy told her to toss it aside, but Becca wanted to scrutinize it.  You know fall is at its height when the cornstalks all turn brown. 

These pictures were also from the Pumpkinfest in Zionsville. Below, Becca plays in the corn pit, just like the one she and her classmates participated in at Guse's in Wanatah.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Brief Respite on a Bridge

 We found this bridge while visiting the Zionsville Country Market Pumpkinfest on Sunday, Oct. 23.  Located just north of Indianapolis, we stopped while on our way home.

Here, I stopped for a momentary respite on a tiny bridge across a tiny creek (if you can call it that) and leaned against the railing. Bizzy caught me with her new camera.

Then (below) Becca came along and rested with her dad.  Bizzy caught us both in great repose!

Who's That Behind Me?

At the Zionsville Country Market Pumpkinfest, Becca finds, yet again, a pony to ride. After Daddy had to help her into the saddle, Becca took a couple of trips around the pen. While riding, Mommy took this picture with her new Canon digital EOS Rebel. What a great shot!

After her ride, Daddy went back in and helped Becca get down.
Speaking of Pumpkins

After riding the pony, Becca went straight to the tiny pie pumpkin patch for her free pumpkin. From here, she went to the decorating tent to decorate her pumpkin.

To say that Becca loves pumpkins is putting it mildly.

Friday, October 07, 2011


We were at Guse's Corn Maze for the second grade field trip this week and, after a harrowing 90 minutes traversing the very confusing corn maze, Becca and I and her whole class took a hay ride to the pumpkin patch.

After searching for 20 minutes, Becca found the perfect pumpkin. Here, her teacher, Mr. Masson, lends Becca a sharpie so she can put her name on it.

Oh, and for the first week of October, the temperature rose to a record-breaking 87 degrees that day!

We had so much fun. This was Becca's second trip to Guse's; her first grade class went there last year. This was my first field trip with my daughter. I, too, had so much fun!