Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Snow Fight with Chris

Snow falls during Christmas Week!

Becca and Uncle Chris enjoy the new-fallen snow. While shoveling, Chris is beset by snowballs tossed by Becca. Chris retaliates with a shovelful of snow. 

Becca attemps an escape and manages to seek shelter at home. Laughing hysterically, she peels her outerwear and shakes snowflakes on the back door rug.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Morning


Becca on Christmas Morning!

Coming out to see what Santa brung her, Becca discovers a world of Webkinz babies waiting for her! 

Just like her mother, Becca is adept at going online and has her own Webkinz account. With these newest additions, Becca's pets number 11, and her house is growing (not to mention her Webkinz dollars account!).

Merry Christmas to all!
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Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve


 Christmas at the Cottage

This year we spent a leisurely Christmas at the Bass Lake cottages. While Mom and Dad hosted the Christmas Eve festivities, everyone was able to stay close, either in the bedroom upstairs at Mom and Dad's, the newest cottage behind Mom and Dad, or next door with Biz and Charles and Becca.

Here are some pictures of our favorite people as we gather to exchange gifts and eat wonderful treats!

Merry Christmas!
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