Visiting the Biosphere
One of the more famous landmarks in southern Arizona is the Biosphere 2 outside of Oracle, AZ. This is a place that both Bizzy and Charles has visited before. Charles has only walked around the Biosphere while as an editor at the local newspaper in San Manuel, AZ, back in the day. Bizzy has been inside before.
Today, we took Becca to visit this iconic place, unique to only southern Arizona. We were able to get a tour inside the Biosphere, made our way through the biomes, and got to visit the internal workings and view up close the mechanisms that make the Biosphere what it is.
In the early 90's, scientists attempted to reside inside the Biosphere without any assistance from the outside. The Biosphereans went inside in 1991, and exited in 1993. Many believed the experiment failed, while those at the Biosphere discovered the "what not to do" while enclosed in a Biosphere. The biomes are still intact, and scientists from the UA continue to perform experiments inside.
What a neat place to visit!
We took these shots, well, mostly Biz and Becca, of us as we toured the Biosphere.