Sunday, January 25, 2009

On Sunday, Becca started playing in the Plymouth High School Lady Pilgrims Little Kids Basketball Camp (Becca is the one in the blue shorts). The goal is for the girls to come out and have fun playing, and learning how to play, basketball. The organizers - coaches at the various levels in the school system - broke the girls - more than 300 0f them - down by grade. More than 80 participated in the K-2 group where Becca played.

You're saying, wait! Becca isn't in Kindergarten yet. Well, Becca has been seen by several of the coaches at the basketball games and when we asked about her participating this year, they all immediately said, "Sign her up!" You see, Becca stands nearly a head taller than 90 percent of the kindergarten girls in Plymouth, although there are some tall ones playing in this league, let me tell ya!

In the video, Becca and the other girls work on shooting drills. After that, they broke down into practice teams and played a few minutes of 5-on-5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good- except we can't seem to get the program to run.