Thursday, April 05, 2007

Right, third from right, Biz stands with the those individuals who, behind the scenes, contributed to the Boys 3A state basketball championship and were recognized at the community celebration.

Brrrr! It's back to work . . .

We had the community celebration recognizing the boys 3A state champions. Because of Spring Break, it was postponed until everyone could get back from vacation. The community filled the gymnasium and listened while the team was recognized, the boys and coaches spoke, and the pep band and cheerleaders stoked the crowd into a cheering frenzy. Then, the team presented the Indiana-shaped, three-foot trophy to the high school principal and administration.

Well, as we prepare for Easter, the weather has dipped back down into the 30s, and yesterday's Easter Egg hunt in the park was postponed. That's OK. Becca still can't wait to meet the Easter Bunny and go to church to see her friends on Sunday.

Once it warms back up, I'll be needing to break out the yard implements, as the grass has begun to grow like crazy despite the cold. Leaves are beginning to break out all over and the only prescription for tending to the landscape is clearly cutting and trimming! Oh, the joys of spring and the tasks that go with it! I'll be going with it now, so enjoy your spring weather as we have had to dig the heavy coats back out after packing them away. Think of us as you sun bathe and jump into the swimming pool while we shiver for just another week or two.


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