Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sorry I haven't kept you up to date, but as they say, "No news is good news." Well, the good news is, the Yellow River crested early Friday morning at a max peak of 14.9 feet, some 8 feet or so over flood level. The river is back down, you can see all of the gazebo in Magnetic Park, and the town is almost back to normal.

The park, on the other hand, is still waterlogged with massive sized ponds still waiting to drain. As the river went down, so did the temperatures, and now we're having to contend with frozen ground that won't drain. We're sure the waters will go away when the temps come up again . . . just so long as the water is gone when the mosquitos come out to play. Ugh!

Also, over the weekend, Becca got her hair cut and is enjoying sporting the short hair cut look. Bizzy says she almost looks like a real kindergartener, and is as big as one, too! As you can see, we did get a little bit of snow earlier this week, but it's not sticking around long. Right now, we're waiting for the arctic blast to hit us, driving the temp down to single digits by the weekend (at the time the picture was taken it was 31).


Anonymous said...

I love the new look- I also loved the old look - maybe it's just the KID.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry - she's still the same ol' kid . . . ornery as ever!
