Saturday, February 23, 2008

Becca celebrated her fourth birthday with a party at the Bass Lake House last weekend (her birthday was actually the 20th). A special visitor arrived and surprised Becca Saturday morning. Leslie flew out of Las Vegas Friday evening and Charles drove to Midway Airport in Chicago to pick her up at midnight. Leslie's flight was delayed until 1 a.m., however, and it was after 3 a.m. when they finally reached Bass Lake.
Meanwhile, Biz took Becca to Bass Lake to warm up the house and get everything ready . . . only to find the furnace had quit and the temperature inside dropping as rapidly as outside. Uncle Bill and Cousin Barry came to the rescue, helped Biz with arranging repairs and waiting for the repairman to arrive, which he did at midnight. By 2 a.m. the furnace was fixed and the house warm by the time Leslie and Charles got there. We held Becca's party Saturday afternoon, and spent the day with Aunt Leslie. Uncle Bill and Aunt Gloria, and Barry, Crystal and the boys came over and had lunch and cake with us.
We spent a quiet Sunday with Leslie, who returned to Las Vegas Monday night. She had President's Day off, while our schools were in session. Charles went to work, but Bizzy took the day off and she and Becca spent the morning with Leslie. Cousin Claudia, who was also out at the lake, ran Leslie into Midway Monday afternoon.
It was a great weekend, one everyone enjoyed, and Becca got her "Auntie" fix, which hopefully will last her until summer. We hope everyone's February is nice and warm, while we weather out this cold snap and try to stave off the sniffles, coughs and colds.

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