Sunday, September 28, 2008

Becca shows off the new outfit she got from her Aunt Leslie on the stoop in front of Plymouth House as we were heading out for the Plymouth-Elkhart Memorial home game. Becca was so excited when the package came in she couldn't hardly wait to put the outfit on.
Here, she pretends to talk on the phone to her Aunt Leslie, thanking her for the outfit. She can be so funny when she talks on the phone.
Overheard recently while coming home from daycare:
"Hello, can I speak to Dr. Ratliff? She's my mommy."
"Un-huh. . . OK . . ." Phone slaps shut. "Oh, man!"
"What is it, Becca?" Daddy asks while driving.
"Mommy can't talk right now, she's in a meeting."
And, so goes the life of a precocious 4-year-old who's growing too fast for words, too quickly to keep up with, and too cool for school.

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