Monday, January 23, 2012


We say it is the second major snowfall of the year, but we received less than the significant snow precipitation amounts we were supposed to get, i.e., six inches as opposed to the 8-12 inches we were supposed to get. I think the storm dumped most of it on Illinois.

As you can see by the pictures, Charles had a great time piling the snow he plowed off the drive, as well as creating a drive to get the trailer out so he could haul the 4-wheeler to the lake and plow the drives there.

The rest of the pictures show Becca enjoying "the hill" and having fun. The temperatures have not been too bad. On this day they were still in the 20s, so it wasn't as chilly as it could have been. And, we have had some unusually warm days before and after, with temps on some days reaching the high 40s and the low 50s.

Enjoy the pictures!

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