Monday, January 23, 2012


After taking care of the chores at Yellow House, we hopped in the truck and headed down the road to Bass Lake and took care of the drives and walks at the Sanders-Ratliff-Aykens-Ontiveros properties (whew!) so that people would realize that cottages were being taken care of, if not for the illusion that someone is always around.

Here, DeeDee the snow dog is having fun creating a new path through the snow. With only six inches, to her it feels like a blizzard.  But, she's not one to shy away from a challenge. It only takes a few times back and forth and snow dog will have a path laid through even the heartiest of snowpacks.

Then, there's Becca. We've never seen a more snow happy kid in all our life. She longs for the snow to come, and when it does, not only does she love playing in it, she loves helping shovel walks. Bundle the kid up and away she goes.

After awhile, though, Becca and Bizzy took a walk along the shore and Bizzy snapped these wonderful shots of her in different pose.  We have one of the best views off our meander land and can look across the southern part of Bass Lake (the shallow end) and when it is frozen over, for however brief a time, it's a sight to behold.

Enjoy the pictures Bizzy took and we hope you all are enjoying your winter as much as we are!

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